111 5th St
Aurora, IN 47001
Thursday 6-7pm
Recovery Game Night
Sunday 6-7pm
Open Topic/Discussion
Saturday 6-7pm
Open Topic/Discussion
Tuesday 6-7pm
CBT Book Review and Discussion
(Women's Support Group)
Wednesday 5:30pm
1Voice Speaker Meeting
Last Saturday of the month
Our Youth Support Movement is a weekly support program for Youth ages 13-17 and is offered at the 1Voice Recovery Community Center.
This will be a support group facilitated by 1Voice Certified Peer Recovery Coach. The program will include a Coping Skills for Teens workbook, Group Activities, and journaling.
This is a free program.
Our board meetings are open to all and are on the first Tuesday of the month at pm.
111 5th St.
Aurora, Indiana 47001
Join us on the last Saturday of the month for our 1Voice speaker meeting. Food, fellowship, and a message of hope from a member of our recovery community.
Join us Wednesday at 5:30pm for our new women's support group, "Guiding Hope".